Star Wars-Simple Pop Entertainment

When Re-watching the original Star Wars, I attempted to look at it beyond its now iconic status. And in doing that, I was surprised by how charming so much of the film is. These characters have an immense charm, particularly the side characters, from C-3PO and R2-D2 to the assortment of goofy aliens that George Lucas sprinkles throughout. The dynamic between each character is also simply incredibly likable. It's hard not to smile at Obi-Wan's wise old-sage energy to Luke or the bickering of Han, Leia, and Luke. The film builds its narrative on a simple "hero's journey" structure, but it works incredibly well because you grow to know Luke, see his frustrations, and understand his desire for something more out of his life.

So many of the so-called "goofy" and "cheesy" elements from previous viewings worked much more on this viewing. On this re-watch, I saw how confidently in love with this world he created, George Lucas seems to be. Each aspect of it, be it the silly creatures and droids that inhabit each planet or the serious conflict between the Empire and the Rebellion. So, I admired how much Lucas relishes in the film's tonal shifts from goofy to serious.

It makes a film that's the pinnacle of pop entertainment. It's a film that understands what makes the audience feel compelled and invested in a story. It has likable characters, villains with a genuine sense of presence in the story, and an exciting world of goofy creatures and space wizards, all built around a straightforward but compelling hero's journey. There's a reason why many people still see this as the definitive Star Wars movie. With every aspect of the film, from the world-building, the characters, their dynamics with each other, the sense of adventure, and the tonal mix of humor with serious stakes, this movie came right out of the gate, showcasing precisely what makes Star Wars so unique.

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